Improving the language landscape one day at a time

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Stress Management (accented syllables)
Yesterday I heard a news announcer say that the station SURveyed people about something. I didn't hear any more because my ears quit after "surveyed." Once more a person whose profession is public speaking provided a topic for my blog.
There are some two-syllable words that can be nouns or verbs, depending on which syllable is accented: as nouns, the first is stressed, and as verbs the second. Here are some of those words:
Nouns Verbs
SURvey surVEY
PERmit perMIT
INsult inSULT
TORment torMENT
EScort esCORT
CONtract conTRACT
DIScharge disCHARGE
FRAGment fragMENT
PERfume perFUME
AFfix afFIX
SUBject subJECT
REcall reCALL
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